Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thyroid Antibodies

Thyroid peroxidase or thyroperoxidase (TPO) is an enzyme expressed mainly in the thyroid that liberates iodine for addition onto tyrosine residues on thyroglobulin for the production of thyroxine (T4) ortriiodothyronine (T3), thyroid hormones. In humans, thyroperoxidase is encoded by the TPO gene.
Thyroid peroxidase is a frequent epitope of autoantibodies in autoimmune thyroid disease, with such antibodies being called anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO antibodies).

Thyroid peroxidase antibodyTPOAbHashimoto thyroiditis;Graves diseaseWhen patient has symptoms suggesting hypothyroidism; when considering starting a patient on a drug therapy that has associated risks of developing hypothyroidism when thyroid peroxidase antibodies are present, such as lithium, amiodarone, interferon alpha, or interleukin-2Has been associated with reproductive difficulties, such as miscarriage,preeclampsia, premature delivery, and in-vitro fertilization failure
Thyroglobulin antibodyTgAbThyroid cancer; Hashimoto thyroiditisWhenever a thyroglobulin test is performed to see if the antibody is present and likely to be interfering with the test results; since the thyroglobulin test will be ordered at regular intervals after thyroid cancer treatment, thyroglobulin antibody will also be ordered at regular intervals 
Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodyTRAbGraves diseaseWhen patient has symptoms of hyperthyroidism; to monitor effectiveness of anti-thyroid therapy 

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